
Scanning Artwork

All artwork is scanned, colour-proofed and printed in-house. If you would like to arrange a day to deliver artwork for scanning and printing please contact us. Artwork can also be sent to us by post, please ensure that the artwork is packaged securely and that ‘proof of delivery’ is used.

Step 1. Initial Scan

The artwork is scanned using a calibrated flat-bed scanner to produce the initial digital image. The scan is at 600ppi / dpi using Adobe RGB colour space and TIFF file format.

Step 2. Soft Proofing

Using a monitor that is calibrated with a DataColor SpyderX – Pro and image editing software (Photoshop CC), the scan of the artwork is compared against the original artwork using the selected paper profile (soft-proofed). Adjustments are made to the digital image using layers and masks as this ensures that we can continue with adjustments should the sample print (hard proof) need further work.

Step 3. Hard Proofing

The digital image is printed on the media selected by the artist and compared against the original artwork, if further adjustments are required we go back to step two and repeat the process. The final step is to remove any blemishes, this may be pencil marks or accidental paint drops that the artist wants removing (where possible). A colour-proof is supplied (up to A4 size) for approval and the scan with a smaller web version (1500px on the longest side, sRGB colour space and JPEG format) are supplied via a download link.

Step 4. Print layout

The final stage is to set up the print sizes and layouts, such as adding borders and text. If the print sizes require cropping of the image, or text adding, a mock-up is supplied via email for approval. The artist also has the option of having the prints registered with the Fine Art Trade Guild as an open or limited edition print. This option is only available for media that has been approved by the Fine Art Trade Guild (this information is available on our media page) and the ArtSure logo can also be added to the border area.